Any advice that is applicable to a new Muslim is also a reminder for all Muslims.
Have a Vision and a Mission.
Your Vision--Gain Allah's pleasure and attain paradise with His mercy.
Your Mission--Worship Allah--وما خلقت الجن والانس الا ليعبدون
What is the meaning of worshiping Allah? There are two forms of worship
1. Ritual worship--which includes prayer, fasting, دعاء, etc. This form of worship is done as prescribed by Allah and demonstrated by the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم . We should not invent new forms of ritual worship.
2. Worship based on intent of deed--This is the kind of thing that converts day-to-day acts into worship as taught by the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم. Examples abound:
- Remember the bounty of Allah in the food you eat. اللهم بارك لنا فيما رزقتنا وقنا عذاب النار بسم الله
- Thanking Allah after a meal الحمد لله الذي اطعمنا وسقانا وجعلنا مسلمين
- Giving salam to your family when you enter the home
- Intend to gain Islamically lawful provision every morning when you go to work اللهم اني اسالك علما نافعا ورزقا واسعا وعملا صالحا متقبلا
- There is even a correct intention for spouses to enjoy the loving embrace of each other
- Plus many many other situations....
In all your day to day acts and life remember the portion of the hadith of the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم that says "Worship Allah as if you see Him. For if you do not see Him, He sees you." اعبد الله كانك تراه فان لم تكن تراه فهو يراك
Keeping this in mind do not overwhelm yourself with all the desired acts of Islam. Initially focus on the main obligatory acts of worship (the five pillars of Islam) and the obligatory cleanliness for prayers. As you learn more each day, apply a little more. It is more important to continuously do little deeds than to do very large deeds that are not continuous. The key here is to observe yourself grow each year and not allow yourself to slip back. Ramadan every year is a good time to take accounting of oneself.
But we are all human beings, and human beings make mistakes. If you fall into a sin, do not despair or give up. That is not the characteristic of a believer. Repent as soon as possible from the sin and continue in your day to day Islamic growth. Allah is oft-forgiving and very merciful as long as you repent and approach Him.
Islam also asks us to lead a balanced life. That applies to our mind, soul, body and social interactions. Always strive to keep them in balance and feed each in Islamically lawful ways. Spend time to grow your soul with the prayers, reading of the Quran and fasting. Spend time to strengthen your body with exercise regularily. Spend time to increase your knowledge and intellect in two ways, reading about the Seerah of the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم, Islamic history, etc and partaking in all forms of useful knowledge professionally, and in the creations of Allah. Notice that the Quran is full of verses asking the believers to observe and ponder His creations (the mountains, rivers, seas, plants, skies, animals, etc). Finally, spend time interacting with others, asking about them, making yourself available to assist anyone in need.
As a new Muslim, do not foresake your old friends and supporters, especially the close ones to you. Help them grow too. Most importantly, do not foresake your parents and family. Be especially curteous and patient with your parents and help them in every way you can. After all, they bore you and brought you up through your weak years.
As you go forward, look for good new friendships. They are the ones that remind you to stay on the right path and to get closer to Allah. Seek them, sit with them, learn with them, teach and be taught by them.
Indeed, be like a fruit tree as you grow. When people throw stones at you, shower them with delicious and fragrant fruits.
Finally, remember the verses of سورة العصر that we normally end each gathering with:
- By the waning of the day والعصر
- Surely humandkind is at a loss ان الانسان لفي خسر
- Except for those who believe, الا الذين امنوا
do good deeds, and enjoin the truth وعملوا الصالحات وتواصوا بالحق
and enjoin perseverence وتواصوا بالصبر
You will notice that the verses talk about the believers doing good deeds (which is mentioned in many other verses of the Quran--i.e. belief not translated into action is not enough). It also shows that the Muslim should be always enjoining the truth and having patience and perseverence. Why is that? With the speaking up of the truth, one meets resistance and difficulty. The believers coach each other with the perseverence and patience through the calamities arising from telling the truth.
May Allah guide all of us to the right path and may He make us a reason for others to find the rightly guided path and not make us a source of misguidance to others. Ameen.
The Grand Mosque in Mecca

Count them....probably over 1.5 million
Tuesday, May 25, 2004
Monday, May 24, 2004
This Blog for Friday Sermons and Other Lessons
I started this one to be able to keep track of the sermons and lessons that I take note of or give. Also I can post some of my presentations.
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